Homebrew 800 Watt Antenna Tuner,Unique Roller Inducter,4-way Coax Output,Works Well. The switches are not marked. The far right round knob is a 4 position the coax selector. All the way right is the bottom right coax output as viewed from the front panel. As you turn the selector back left you engage the coax at top right [ from front panel] the top left and lastly bottom left. Basically its mounted in same configuration as the switch movement. The 2nd round switch is a 2 position inductance selector. The far left toggle switch selects the left meter power settings. I haven't figured out the 2nd toggle switchs purpose. I have tested the tuning capabilities and it does tune well once you find the correct inductance and dip settings on the big roller Inducter and the air vacs. This is an estate find. I did not build it. The parts alone are worth the asking price plus its already assembled. Thanks for looking.